
Pasaraya Asokan Grocery Store

Another Indian grocery store located in Brick Field, Little India is Asokan. It is remodelled recently and much spacious compared to Modern Stores. In this stores you can get all sorts of
Indian fresh vegetables, groceries, different rice bags etc.

In this shop you can get fresh Crabs some times. Most varieties of Non vegetarian items like
fish,  dried fish, prawns etc also available. I feel the groceries are not from India but locally available items. You don't get pre-made dosa dough and yogurt as in Modern Stores.

This shop opens for 24 hours. So when ever you want to shop you can go. Quite fresh vegetables are available. Service is very prompt. If your grocery items are more, then the helping staff brings it up-to your car. That really impressive.

The main problem for shopping in Little India is parking. So better to go in off-peak hours.
If you are a regular customer they even provide home delivery.

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